We left the hotel at 11 am and drove into the centre of Jaipur, known as the Pink City. The old fortified walls are painted in a lovely red ochre, and we drove through one of the gates to the City Palace, the residence of the Maharajah of Jaipur and his family. We spent half an hour looking at the public areas and bought one or two items from local craftsmen for our grandchildren.
We then headed out of the city to the summer residence of the Maharajah. The palace is very similar to the Lake Palace in Udaipur, as it is an island in the middle of a lake.

Close to the the palace was a vast antiques warehouse where we spent a fun hour looking at a huge array of Indian craftsmanship. In the end we bought a 2ft high painted teak elephant which we are having shipped back to England.
We then returned to the centre but were caught up in the call to prayers of the Muslims celebrating the end of Ramadan. The roads were jammed by thousands of white capped Muslims and we took over an hour to find a way back to our hotel.
The afternoon was spent by the pool before we were taken by coach to a very special party given by the Maharajah at the City Palace. HERO had arranged for us all to have traditional Indian clothes which added to the occasion. When we arrived at the palace we were greeted by dancers, camels, riders on horses and elephants. The photo below is of one of the magnificently decorated elephants with one of our group, Alvaro de la Macorra from Mexico City, in the Indian dress.

Tomorrow we head for Delhi, some 300 kms north of Jaipur. We will be spending two nights there before the long drive to the Punjab and Amritsar.
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