So, it was an early start and we checked out of the hotel at 6.30 am. About 100 kms south of Nagpur we took a detour off the state highway to see Gandhi's ashram (spiritual community) at Sewagram. This was where Gandhi lived from 1936 until his assassination in Delhi in 1948. The ashram was Gandhi's 'experiment in living'. The complex is in a very peaceful setting with a collection of small buildings that included Gandhi's house, dining hall, kitchen, office and the open prayer ground. You could see how simple life was for Gandhi and his followers who lived with him. We spent about 45 minutes there and then headed off for the 400 kms drive to Hyderabad.
The prayer ground and in the background the last house that Gandhi lived in.
The drive was uneventful except for the numerous horrendous accidents that we came across. Trucks upside down, crashed through stone walls, lying on their side and burnt out, littered the road. It was all very sobering, especially when we passed a truck that was upside down in a ditch, with a crane attempting to lift it. There were lots of people surrounding the cab. It seemed to me that someone was still inside.
At one point we passed a group of school girls waiting for a bus. As we slowed down they all waved and then stood in a group for us to take their photo. Indian children always seem to be happy.
Not long after the children we saw this group of women all carrying loads on their heads. As we slowed down they turned and smiled at us. They looked stunning in their wonderfully coloured outfits.
Tomorrow is a rest day and I'll post more about this predominantly Muslim city.
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